
Department Mission

College students today have a variety of different health concerns that affect them 社会和学术. The mission of the Student Health Center Health Education Department is to advance the health of students through the 健康教育与健康 Program. The 卫生教育署 recognizes the diverse population that is served on campus and strives to promote human dignity and personal responsibility in programming efforts to assist students in obtaining their academic and personal goals.


The 健康教育和健康计划 is dedicated to collaborating with the University of South Alabama students, faculty and staff in improving the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors regarding the health of students. 这个程序的目的是 promote a healthy campus environment through student focused programs and to inform students regarding health related issues and community resources that are available. The 健康教育和健康计划 fosters student empowerment to make healthy lifestyle choices and to enhance quality of life.


Health education services provided will encompass a holistic approach which may include physical, psychological, cultural, spiritual and social health.

Health education services are encompassed in the 学生健康服务 fee and include the following:

  • 健康教育活动和计划
  • 个别诊症
  • 资讯及转介服务
  • 性侵犯和倡导项目
  • Patient education
  • 教育和资源材料
  • 校园和课堂演讲
  • Health surveys
  • 实习机会
  • Special campus events – workshops, guest speakers and awareness events
  • 同侪健康教育-捷豹健康小组


  • Dating Violence
  • Eating Disorders
  • 健康的关系
  • 生殖健康教育
  • Men’s Health
  • Mental Health
  • 营养与体能
  • 性传播感染
  • Sexual Violence
  • Sleep Disorder
  • Substance Abuse Prevention including alcohol and other drugs
  • 压力管理和放松
  • Tobacco Use
  • Women’s Health

Request Services

Health education and wellness programs are available to the entire USA community including Residence Halls, Greek Organizations, Athletics Department, as well as academic instructors. If you would like to schedule a program, please contact the Health Education Coordinator at (251) 460-6353 or tiffanywade@ceritasexpopuler.com.


Disclaimer: Users of the USA Student Health Center web site acknowledge the information provided on this web site is intended as a reference, and is not intended to replace a visit to your doctor or other healthcare provider. 美国学生健康中心不负责 for information on web sites other than our own. 提到一个特定的地点 or service does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement unless indicated.

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